Picture of Tuko from our hiking adventure on Tuesday. And.... here are a few favorite things that I stumbl[...]
Picture of Tuko from our hiking adventure on Tuesday. And.... here are a few favorite things that I stumbl[...]
This has been a very stressful Friday. Wyatt and I were suppose to go camping last weekend for my birthday b[...]
And after a wonderful 4 day (birthday) weekend, it's back to my day job and back to my standard routine. The[...]
I can't believe I managed to forget about these donuts! I made these a few lazy Saturdays ago and[...]
We live on a traffic-crazed road so behind our house there is an alley system that w[...]
Good Morning! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. It finally cooled off around here this weeken[...]
My Moody Monday picture is not really a specific adventure but just a few snippets from a lazy w[...]
After dozens and dozens of failed attempts, I am still trying to photograph a beautiful plate of biscuits an[...]
So I went into this weekend basically having no plans (outside of Friday night) and was almost kind of nervo[...]
Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic previous week and a great 4th of July. After five wonderful days of sl[...]
Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend filled with a surplus of delicious food and play time in the s[...]
Monday, I cannot believe you are here again already! I feel as though I am starting off the week on an off n[...]
I finally (!!) made it to the Farmer's Market this weekend for the first time in a month. Oh, what a wonderf[...]
Well good morning! It's Monday again and to make matters worse- it's super gloomy and rainy as well! Gross.[...]
Good Morning, Monday! This weekend came and went much too fast. Although, I have to admit that this is the f[...]
As a follow up to my Sandwich Sass post, here is the bread I used to for the veggie stackers and the bohemia[...]
Today we are talking about DIY Vegan Bagels with Pumpkin Cream Cheese. There are very very few things I like[...]
A Vegan Chickenless and Dumpling Stew, you ask? Okay Okay Okay. I may be getting ahead of myself with jumpin[...]