So, all anyone is posting about right now is Christmas. Which is awesome. I LOVE Christmas and k[...]
So, all anyone is posting about right now is Christmas. Which is awesome. I LOVE Christmas and k[...]
A few inspirations from the week... 1. Have you ever wondered how much gingerbread it would take to build[...]
Okay, I have a confession to make. I grew up on Shirley Temples. Any fancy occasion that I was[...]
So I curated (doesn't that sound so much more important than planned?!) 90 percent of my family's Thanks[...]
We put our tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving but my Christmas spirit didn't really kick in until I[...]
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday. I have some exciting news! The preview win[...]
How has your week been going? Mine has been fine but I know it's been a little quiet around here. I've don[...]
Morning, Morning. Can you believe it is already December? It sure does not feel like it. I don't[...]
Okay, let's try something different. So I'm a visual person and there is a good chance that you are too. I[...]
...And there goes another month. Isn't it crazy how fast time seems to be going by? Thanksgiving has come an[...]
I was soooo excited to receive the newest edition of Chickpea Magazine in the mail last week that I instantl[...]
Did everyone [From the US] have a wonderful long weekend? Are you all busy Cyber Monday shopping for the b[...]
...And it's over. All the planning, cooking, over-eating, and family time is done. Now...time for a detox. H[...]
Morning, Morning! Are you ready for this week? It's Monday but it feels like it's Wednesday since most of us[...]
Good Morning! Do you have big weekend plans? We are hosting a Friendsgiving this evening so I am planning to[...]
Okay. So I'm not gonna lie. I am starting to get REALLY excited about Thanksgiving. Not only does it mean a�[...]
Well, I think I've finally accepted that winter is here and we won't be experiencing any more 70 degree days[...]
Morning, Morning! Let's start out by having me fill you in on a few things, shall we? If you are an avid rea[...]
Oh my goodness, it's Friday! I hope you are as excited as I am. Last weekend we had daylight saving (turned[...]
____________________ Now that the official stuff is out of the way, let's talk a bit about the[...]
So I started my day a bit bummed out. In addition to it being Monday (yuck), I also received some news that[...]
Heyyya! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend planned! After this post, I am planning on taking a walk down[...]
Heyya! No recipe today. Just a few snapshots from our Denver trip last weekend. Hope everyone is gearing up[...]
Hello November! Let's welcome you in with a potluck, shall we? For everyone following the virtual vegan po[...]
Happy Halloween! I usually do my monthly wrap ups on the first but VV is participating in a virtual potluck[...]