Hey friends! Just popping in real quick to let you know that there is a new VV recipe over at 80Twenty[...]
Hey friends! Just popping in real quick to let you know that there is a new VV recipe over at 80Twenty[...]
Remember when I used to post about salads and juices and the benefits of food healing? Well those topics[...]
I have all sorts of opinions on being an adult. I really really dislike it most of the time; in fact,[...]
It has been a very long time since I hosted a giveaway around here. I am beyond thrilled to let you kn[...]
It's already that time again where you can't step into a store without seeing the huge display of hear[...]
For today's post, I've paired up with the fine folks over at Kite Hill to bring you a simple and strai[...]
This is the obligatory 'kick off the year with a healthy start' post. We just got back from Marco Isla[...]
As promised, part two of my holiday cookie tray series - it's later than I had planned on posting it b[...]
I know I know - I disappear for a whole month and when I come back, I only have a simple drink recipe[...]
As a food blogger, it's not uncommon for me to be sent promotional food books on the regular. I usuall[...]
I am interrupting my usual weekend-only posting to stop in and chat really quick about two exciting VV r[...]
Caroline and I took a short drive into the country yesterday in search of an apple orchard that would[...]
For your next camping trip or cookout, whip up this three bean chili with cornbread topping. Vegetarian cam[...]
One of my very close friends recently decided she wanted to stop eating meat so she came to me as for[...]
Well, the first week into being 25 has been quite the unfortunate whirlwind; It's bizarre how this cra[...]
[Photo of me on the last day of me being 24 years old - AKA earlier this week] I'm currently on vacatio[...]
Today I've paired up with the fine folks over at Williams-Sonoma to share my favorite Bloody Mary recipe w[...]
Hi! How are you? It's been a minute - I missed you guys. No - for real! You are like an old friend that[...]
This Grilled Pretzel Panzanella Salad is the perfect grill out veggie side dish! If you are located[...]
Salted Date Caramel Cashew Tart with Mocha Graham Crust is a healthier version of an indulgent dessert mad[...]
These Rosemary & Garlic Smashed Purple Potatoes are an easy but flavorful side dish perfect for any ty[...]
I'm going to real talk you here for a minute. About four months ago I posted that I wanted to start a ma[...]
I've got a fun little personal post before the weekend sets in. What are your plans this weekend? Are you go[...]
I know, I know. You are all over winter citrus and have moved on to asparagus and ramps. However, I ca[...]
How to Be Vegan By Elizabeth Castoria struck me in a way that the majority of vegan books weren't able[...]