In an attempt to not completely fall off the grid during the 'dog days of summer', I thought I'd fill you[...]
In an attempt to not completely fall off the grid during the 'dog days of summer', I thought I'd fill you[...]
No food post today. Just a small reflection 2012 and thoughts on opening the door to 2013. 2012 was a year o[...]
Woah, time has really flown fast since I posted about Tuko turning 6 months. Since then, we've moved into[...]
The recipe posts have dwindled to only a few a week since the summer because the lack of daylight is really[...]
Tuko//Teekee//Taco and I waiting outside while Wyatt picked out a movie earlier this week. (ps- follow me o[...]
So I went into this weekend basically having no plans (outside of Friday night) and was almost kind of nervo[...]
; As I mentioned in a post a few days ago, we went on a lovely dinner picnic last Thursday. It was nice[...]
Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic previous week and a great 4th of July. After five wonderful days of sl[...]