Where the heck has October gone? I had all these fall recipe ideas and they are slowly slipping away a[...]
Where the heck has October gone? I had all these fall recipe ideas and they are slowly slipping away a[...]
I've been having trouble nailing down a spot for photos in our new-ish place. The windows in the studi[...]
I'm not sure why everyone is so hung up on dip and mini corndog recipes this week? Let's be honest - d[...]
Cookies aren't really cookies without chocolate, so the dark chocolate drizzle on these maple-infused pump[...]
These little pumpkin-filled pocket pot pies (aka hand pies) are far better than any dried-out Thanksgiving[...]
 Think caramel is the only sweet topping you can salt? Think again. Imagine this salted molasse[...]
You know, I was so proud of myself for thinking about using that can of pumpkin before October rolled ar[...]
Woah, time has really flown fast since I posted about Tuko turning 6 months. Since then, we've moved into[...]
Oh my goodness, it's Friday! I hope you are as excited as I am. Last weekend we had daylight saving (turned[...]
Hello November! Let's welcome you in with a potluck, shall we? For everyone following the virtual vegan po[...]
Happy Halloween! I usually do my monthly wrap ups on the first but VV is participating in a virtual potluck[...]
Not only is this indulgent muesli bread gorgeous, but it's also full of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit! Enjoy[...]
I was doing so good in September...constantly cooking with fresh produce, little butter, and smaller portion[...]
Heyyyaaa. Happy...Monday? And October...WOAH. weird. It seems like it was just yesterday that it was my birt[...]
Ah, Tuesday. Sometimes I feel like Tuesday is worse than Monday because you've already got back in[...]
I know we are all super excited for Fall but it was still quite the slap in the face this morning when we wo[...]
A picture of Tuko & Lake Monroe from our dinner picnic. We went on a hike/picnic Wednesday night which[...]
Today we are talking about DIY Vegan Bagels with Pumpkin Cream Cheese. There are very very few things I like[...]