This Vegetarian Baked Ziti With Chorizo-Spiced Chickpeas is packed with vegetables, protein-rich beans, goo[...]
This Vegetarian Baked Ziti With Chorizo-Spiced Chickpeas is packed with vegetables, protein-rich beans, goo[...]
This is the obligatory 'kick off the year with a healthy start' post. We just got back from Marco Isla[...]
This Fresh Spinach Pasta with Roasted Carrot Almond Pesto is bursting with vegetables. It's the perfect we[...]
You know, I was so proud of myself for thinking about using that can of pumpkin before October rolled ar[...]
For me, the biggest parts about giving up certain foods is the association. I doubt any [sane] person wo[...]
Good morning! I am thrilled to introduce you all to my friend Leanne from Healthful Pursuit! Leanne Vogel[...]
I'm not going to lie to you. It's the last leg of winter and I am feeling as uninspi[...]
...And we are back from Nashville, Tennessee. Wyatt played a show down there with is band over the weekend s[...]
Did I tell you about Christmas? I received so many wonderful kitchen tools and they have been filling my fre[...]
This post has been a long time coming. I promised myself I would make homemade cheese back on my [cringe[...]
On Saturday afternoon I met up with Jamie of The Hearty Herbivore to cook up some vegan fare. Jami[...]
Woah, can you believe it is the last day of May already? This month FLEW by!! Luckily it was because I was h[...]
I am both excited and a bit embarrassed to admit that I am about as nerdy as they come! Not even two weeks i[...]
This should really be "how to handle a college boy's kitchen" but that doesn't sound quite as exciting. I pr[...]
I'm going to take a break from posting about our Seattle/Portland trip and post a recipe. This recipe was in[...]
Okay, this recipe was sooo out of my comfort zone that I've been dreading trying to translate it for you guy[...]
I've had half a bag of red lentils sitting around my kitchen for months now and in an attempt to be resource[...]
Sorry for my site being down all day but I hope it gave you a chance to check out what this new "policy" cou[...]
Sadly, this week was my first week back to school which means lots of less cooking and less time to devote t[...]
This is a high protein, low calorie recipe. Just what every vegetarian needs in their lives (well.. for the[...]
I've always had this vendetta against pine nuts. They are just so darn expensive for no reason! There is noo[...]