For today's post, I've paired up with the fine folks over at Kite Hill to bring you a simple and strai[...]
For today's post, I've paired up with the fine folks over at Kite Hill to bring you a simple and strai[...]
Cookies aren't really cookies without chocolate, so the dark chocolate drizzle on these maple-infused pump[...]
These beer-infused Milk Stout & Sea Salt Caramels are the right sweet for all your holiday gatherings.[...]
Did everyone have a fantastic Father's day? What wonderful thing did you do for our Father? I drove eight[...]
It's finally time! After five loooong, cold months - fresh produce is back! And I'm not talking about those[...]
Let's talk about micro greens. Do you eat them? Do you grow them? To be perfectly honest, I had not had[...]
I had making a pie on the mind all week. I don't get this urge very often (mostly because making a pie for[...]
Lentils are known for being a good source of protein, increasing energy, helping with digestion,[...]
I'm not very into doing 'holiday themed posts'...or.... maybe I'm just not good at them? 'Ms. Bah! Humbu[...]
This is Ella. She is one of the best things in my life. She has put up with my nonsense for more years tha[...]
Did everyone [From the US] have a wonderful long weekend? Are you all busy Cyber Monday shopping for the b[...]
Good Morning! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. It finally cooled off around here this weeken[...]
Well, it's that time again! July has already flown past us and it's time to start reflecting. Here are my fa[...]
And it's time for another cocktail recipe! I have really been spitting them out lately, huh? After posting r[...]
It felt particularly hard to get out of bed today. I think I was dreaming that I woke up and it was Saturd[...]