Hey all! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! You may be seeing me post less and less 'Moody Monday' posts[...]
Hey all! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! You may be seeing me post less and less 'Moody Monday' posts[...]
Good Morning! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. It finally cooled off around here this weeken[...]
Monday, agaiiin? The weeks are going by so fast! I graduate in less than a month and am in no way ready for[...]
It felt particularly hard to get out of bed today. I think I was dreaming that I woke up and it was Saturd[...]
Here it is again! Oh Mondays...you seem to come up so quickly these days. Luckily, this weekend was filled w[...]
Moody Monday on a Tuesday? Yeah, it doesnt make sense but I was just having too much of a Moody Monday to ev[...]
Monday, again? Thankfully I have a semi-easy week with it being Spring Break...although I remember when spri[...]
Today was a particularly dreadful day to get out of bed. For one, there was SNOW on the ground! We didn't ha[...]
I realize I'm stretching this post a little since the whole point of Moody Monday is to pick something that[...]
You know it's going to be a long week when you wake up to frost everywhere and your car won't start. [grumbl[...]
In the excitement of the Grammy's (our label won their first Grammy in history thanks to Bon Iver last night[...]
Today's Moody Monday theme is 'eating outdoors'. I am in love with being outside (when it's nice out. I[...]