While walking through the co-op grocery aisle earlier this week, I noticed an unusual amount of color[...]
While walking through the co-op grocery aisle earlier this week, I noticed an unusual amount of color[...]
Happy Halloween! I usually do my monthly wrap ups on the first but VV is participating in a virtual potluck[...]
And here I am again with more butternut squash in my life (as if that amazing Galette was not enough!). What[...]
So I wanted to talk to you guys about this 'Food is the New Rock' podcast. I'm not sure if you are into po[...]
This was one of those recipes that spawned from me standing in front of the pantry going "what can I make fo[...]
I actually made this last weekend but have been putting it off for two reasons: 1. I was a lit[...]
Woah, that is a mouthful. It's needed though- all those ingredients stick out so much in every bit that I wo[...]
So Christmas came early this year.I decided to buy myself a new camera for all the hard work I've put in thi[...]
The other night Kelsey and I decided to make some chowder to try to cure the rainy blues. With the cold weat[...]