[Photo of me on the last day of me being 24 years old - AKA earlier this week] I'm currently on vacatio[...]
[Photo of me on the last day of me being 24 years old - AKA earlier this week] I'm currently on vacatio[...]
This past week has been wonderful. It was my birthday on Wednesday and I've been spoiled silly[...]
Yay - today Vegetarian Ventures has officially been around (and active!) for two years! It seems both un[...]
This is Ella. She is one of the best things in my life. She has put up with my nonsense for more years tha[...]
Woah, time has really flown fast since I posted about Tuko turning 6 months. Since then, we've moved into[...]
A picture of Tuko & Lake Monroe from our dinner picnic. We went on a hike/picnic Wednesday night which[...]
And after a wonderful 4 day (birthday) weekend, it's back to my day job and back to my standard routine. The[...]
And we are back with ANOTHER zucchini bread recipe (if you missed them, check out my Savory Feta Zucchini Mu[...]
Woah! That is correct- VV has officially been around for a whole year! Pretty weird, huh? It's crazy how f[...]
Although we have only had Tuko (also sometimes referred to as Taco, Teekee, and Tofu) for 4 months, I can ha[...]
Update 10/29/2012: Don't forget to stop by and check out VV's newest giveaway which ends 11/02/2012! _____[...]
So it's my roommate's birthday tomorrow and she's had this big party planned for weeks. My other roommat[...]
This is usually the part of the blog that I ignore and go straight to the recipe so feel free to skip the ne[...]