Share ALL/ Searchable Saturdays Searchable Saturdays April 6, 2013 Shellywest 1. LOVING /// Tomorrow marks the first outdoor Farmer's Market of the year here in Bloomington.[...]
Share ALL/ Appetizer/ Searchable Saturdays Searchable Saturdays October 6, 2012 shellywest Tuko//Teekee//Taco and I waiting outside while Wyatt picked out a movie earlier this week. (ps- follow me o[...]
Share ALL/ Breakfast Stuffed French Toast August 15, 2012 shellywest We live on a traffic-crazed road so behind our house there is an alley system that w[...]
Share ALL/ Moody Monday/ Side/ Snack/ Sweets Moody Monday: Baker Bettie’s Cookie Wars 2012 / Hazelnut Shortbread with Marscapone Frosting April 23, 2012 shellywest Oh...Hi, Monday. Did anyone go to Record Store Day on Saturday? I went to support my local store and listen[...]