For me trips are always half about seeing what you planned the trip for and half about the journey. Maybe that is why I love road trips so much but just because we flew on this trip does not mean that I did not take in every little thing that happened in-transit.
At the PDX airport they were selling Maple Bacon flavored beer. waaaaah?? I know. Sadly, it has bacon (go figure) in it so we did not try it but I love the crazy things that people come up with. We rode on 4 different planes throughout the trip and I had a Bloody Mary on each one…..why not? It’s not like you have standards knowing it’s coming out of a can. Next, when we were in Seattle we stopped off at an international market to pick up things for the 3 hour drive back to Portland. Can you tell I am a sucker for anything miniature? We picked up sparkling cider, brie, honey mustard, canned goose (for Wyatt), and some crackers.The bottom picture is of some biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig mountains we passed in Oregon.
I am going to try to be as little of a fan girl as possible when talking about the next few pictures (Wyatt said I got a little too excited about this part of the trip) but I made him drive two hours out of our way to visit “Twin Peaksville”. I put it in quotes because “Twin Peaksville” is really just some random small town in the middle of Washington but they did most of the filming for the pilot episode in this small town. Above is us pictured at the exterior of “The Great Northern”. I feel completely justified about going out of our way to see this because I love waterfalls and would have probably dragged Wyatt to it regardless of whether it was part of an opening scene of one of my favorite shows ever.
There really isn’t much to say about this picture. It’s obviously the diner from Twin Peaks. ‘Nough said.
Wyatt (Top) and me (Bottom).
This is a pile of all the goodies I collected along the trip and had to somehow fit in my already full bag. A collection of zines, cookbooks, vintage clothes, hard to find vegan products, and pamphlets. Ahhh, so many inspiring things! So excited to utilize all my amazing finds.
Finally, the trip back. A beautiful sunset to end the weekend with.