You know it’s going to be a long week when you wake up to frost everywhere and your car won’t start. [grumble grumble]. However, I have such amazing roommates [!!!!] that I really can’t be upset because I still got to work on time and have plenty of wonderful people in my life to help me out when these things happen.
So, I should start out by saying that having wonderful friends and roommates is a great relief to a Moody Monday. You don’t always think of these things when everything is going right so I think it’s important to keep that in mind when things go sour like this.
Anyways, my PICTURE for Moody Monday is going to have to be of our new puppy. I CAN’T resist…he is the cutest thing to ever step foot in our home. My boyfriend’s parents gave him a puppy for his birthday and its a ten week old boxer. His name is Tuco but I’ve already started calling him ‘Tofu’.
Knowing I’m coming home to this guy is for sure going to get me through the week.
1 Comment
Tofu is a cutieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🙂