In the excitement of the Grammy’s (our label won their first Grammy in history thanks to Bon Iver last night! Check out the video clip here), I almost forgot about moody monday! It’s funny because I am the least competitive person you will ever meet and I can’t (for the life of me) understand sports. The whole idea of wasting energy to chase a ball or to cheer on someone you don’t know seems so…pointless to me. But, if I ever could relate to team pride thing it was watching the Grammy’s last night and seeing Bon Iver win ‘Best New Artist’. It’s an exciting feeling.The extended family here at work has spent the last five years putting time and effort into this artist and it’s finally being recognized.
So today’s moody monday isnt going to be a picture but a video. And Yay for Bon Iver. And his extended label family. And Bloomington. And the whole indie scene in general!