If you haven't noticed, I've bought into the shop local and cook seasonally fad (mmmm fresh produce!) so if[...]
If you haven't noticed, I've bought into the shop local and cook seasonally fad (mmmm fresh produce!) so if[...]
If this hasn't been brought up before, I am a vintage shopping addict. I am a loyal customer of Goodwill's 5[...]
These things are really freaking adorable. Miniature pies that you get to hog all to yourself? Genius! And t[...]
I'm a bit of a pack rat (<---understatement) and although this is highly frowned on, it does have it's[...]
As I keep mentioning, I've got loads of produce I'm still in the process of consuming so here is another dis[...]
So I don't know how it is where you are at but our Farmer's Market here in the Midwest has been LOADED the p[...]
Think starbuck's caramel machiatto latte meets light and fluffy fall traditions? These guys are perfect f[...]
I've always had this vendetta against pine nuts. They are just so darn expensive for no reason! There is noo[...]
The other night Kelsey and I decided to make some chowder to try to cure the rainy blues. With the cold weat[...]
4 ingredients. That's it. For these soft, brownie like cupcakes baked to a crispy top and gooey center. T[...]
Have you ever had wheatberries? If not, you have to try them! They have such a unique texture which is so di[...]
Apple recipe # 2. Maybe I should make a whole theme countdown or something. You know...10 days of apple reci[...]
And here we go. I really really really hope you like apples because I went apple picking this weekend with s[...]
SOOOO I just want to start out by reminding you that yesterday was World Vegertarian Day and I hope that you[...]
It seems that I've managed to fall into a repetitive routine with my blog posts. Blurb, picture, recipe. Rep[...]
Today we are talking about DIY Vegan Bagels with Pumpkin Cream Cheese. There are very very few things I like[...]
Today we are making Baked French Toast. One of my roommate used to live in a shack. A literal shack. It was[...]
I really wanted to start this post of by talking as if I was the burrito but my editor (AKA my roommate) hig[...]
A Vegan Chickenless and Dumpling Stew, you ask? Okay Okay Okay. I may be getting ahead of myself with jumpin[...]
Today we are cooking a delicious Caprese Breakfast Bake! With generous growing from both my tomato and basil[...]
Today we have Quick Vegan Pancakes with Simple Strawberry Topping! Vegan baking is different from regular ba[...]
As I've mentioned 100 billion times previously, the tomatoes at the farmer's market right now are spectacula[...]
Today's recipe is for Vegan Chai Latte Cupcakes! Since I haven't had much time for baking lately (and have b[...]
I have this thing for Chinese food. This thing is actually a deep, semi-yearning, lust and I get these longi[...]
Yesterday was my 22nd birthday (I'm getting super old...Don't remind me) and I had a big grill out/pot luck[...]