Woah, that is a mouthful. It's needed though- all those ingredients stick out so much in every bit that I wo[...]
Woah, that is a mouthful. It's needed though- all those ingredients stick out so much in every bit that I wo[...]
I should start off by apologizing for the lack of recipe posts this week but lots of other exciting things h[...]
You know it's going to be a long week when you wake up to frost everywhere and your car won't start. [grumbl[...]
I use to have this method (well, I think a lot of people use this method) where if I don't buy junk food at[...]
So, since I started my new promotion at work and have yoga class early on my days off, the idea of making an[...]
Valentine's day is kind of a flop around here. I have class from 10 AM to 9:30 PM every Tuesday so making ti[...]
In the excitement of the Grammy's (our label won their first Grammy in history thanks to Bon Iver last night[...]
Well, I had planned on spending my day taking a trip up to Indianapolis to visit with my Ma but the fact tha[...]
I'm really sorry if you are a returning reader and keep coming back to a new website layout (this could be r[...]
I'm going to be honest with you. I've never had jambalaya before...which basically means two things: I h[...]
Some days you just have to not take yourself seriously. You have to stay in bed. And do what inspires you. A[...]
Today's guest post is by a very dear friend of mine. She was the first person that I collaborated with on co[...]
Today's moody Monday post is about explorin' because there is nothing more rejuvenating than going to a new[...]
As usual, my Saturday consisted of loads of thrift shopping because it's an addictive hobby and I love it. I[...]
There is some sort of longing for summer (hence the pictures next to this text) that has been evoked bec[...]
Okay, this recipe was sooo out of my comfort zone that I've been dreading trying to translate it for you guy[...]
Today's Moody Monday theme is 'eating outdoors'. I am in love with being outside (when it's nice out. I[...]
There are several things that sparked the inspiration for these cookies. Where to begin? First, I've been[...]
I've had half a bag of red lentils sitting around my kitchen for months now and in an attempt to be resource[...]
I just want to start out by apologizing. I realize that I have talked about bread excessively lately and I c[...]
As a follow up to my Sandwich Sass post, here is the bread I used to for the veggie stackers and the bohemia[...]
I've been on a sandwich kick this week. It sparked last weekend when we ate lunch at our favorite sandwich[...]
Sorry for my site being down all day but I hope it gave you a chance to check out what this new "policy" cou[...]
Let me start off by warning you that I am currently enrolled in a photoshop class so I have been obses[...]
Here in Bloomington, we have an entire street dedicated to ethnic restaurants. It's really an amazing experi[...]