The posts were a little sparse this week. Things got busy and I mostly relied on leftovers from a big pot of Black Bean Chili for my meals. Things should start to calm down this weekend and I will hopefully have more delicious recipes coming at you soon!
Although I lacked in cooking this week…I still managed to find time to decompress in front of the computer and find some inspiration for you. Here is what I’ve got…
1. WANDERLUST /// I know Spring officially started a few weeks ago but this weekend is going to be the first warm weekend for us here in the Midwest. Everything started blooming midway through the week and I spent the second half itchin’ to get outside. And guess what – today is the day. I’m packing up a picnic and we are heading on an adventure as soon as I finish this post.
2. CRAVING /// And speaking of spring – spring produce is right around the corner! We are talking asparagus, beans, strawberries, etc etc etc. I cannot wait to get out of this root vegetable rut and into some fresh inspiration!
3. CREATING /// I’m not very good at planning when it comes to holidays. I’ve skipped going home for the last three Easters and always start to feel a little homesick halfway through the holiday. This year I’m not going home (again) but I do think I will make Wyatt (and Tuko – as much as a dog can participate) join in some festivities. I’m thinking a brunch and egg dying.
4. LOVING /// I visited a Lush for the first time last week and am crushing hard. Everything from their all natural lipstick (lovin’ my pink ‘Believe’ color) to their cruelty-free conditioners.