Tuko/Taco/Teekee at the lake
So this month marks the 1 year anniversary of my blog. Woah, weird. Right? Anyhow, we will get more into that later this month when the actual date hits. I am bringing this up because I would like to try to start expanding my voice more and more on here; I am starting to finally feel like I am in the groove of this blog business. So what does that mean for VV? That means that you should be expecting to see quite a few more collaborations with other bloggers going on around here and also that I may start experiment more with my photography/columns. I feel like I am starting to have more personality with every post and would like to share more than just the standard cookbook format.
I am a total lazy butt when it comes to the weekends and blogging. I spend all week working and consider it important to have a break (yes, even a break from blogging…so that I don’t get burned out…but realistically, hopefully, I have a few more years in me before that start happening). Anyways, so my day job is working at an indie record label distributor (see SCDistribution) which means loooong looong (like 8 hours long) of sitting at my desk in front of the a computer. I usually spend my breaks on bloglovin.com getting ideas for cooking/creating/decoring. By the end of the week, I have a long list of things that inspire me. And my thoughts are why not share some of my favorite things instead of just keeping them all to myself in my bookmarked section. You know? Maybe? Well, I am going to and we will just have to wait and see how this turns out!
I had so much fun making a few lists for my ‘July’ wrap up that I decided I wanted to do it more often (oh- and post a random instagram pictures because I am insta-obsessed). I am going to start trying to post these every Saturday as a way to ‘mix things up’ around here and get me out of the mind-set that weekends aren’t meant for blogging.
And so we are off:
1. I have spent far too many hours listening to Joy The Baker and Shutterbean’s podcasts this week. Like seriously…I’ve probably gone through at least 5 episodes in the last two days…
2. I broke a bunch of my air plant’s pots while moving and am kind of at a lost on how to display them as of now. I really wish I owned this holder.
3. I want a cast iron skillet so bad. Soley for the purpose of wanting to make this cookie cake.
4. Yoga has been becoming a big part of my life lately. Cannot wait until it cools down and I can practice outside.
5. Been itchin’ to make a blue velvet version of these cheesecake bars!
6. Saving this recipe for the camping that I have planned in my near future.
7. I’ve mastered homemade bbq sauce and ketchup but how about mustard?
Yup, hope everything is having a fantastic weekend and that you are going out to a pretty spot for a lunch picnic today!
cant wait to do guest post exchange!
masters2marathonsAlso, I’ve nominated you for the Leibster new blogger award! Check out my post http://masters2marathons.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/leibster-blog-award-and-my-nominees/.
Kind of a chain letter type of deal with this award, but still fun!