I should start off by apologizing for the lack of recipe posts this week but lots of other exciting things have been going on around here (don’t worry! I have not lost sight of what this blog is really about- I promise)! I am currently working on a button for some blogs that will be sponsoring VV for March and the new addition of the magazine ‘Remedy Quarterly’ will be featuring an article about VV (more details about these things later this month). But as of right now, Wyatt and I are leaving for Seattle/Portland tomorrow morning and I have been crazily prepping for that all week (plus the new puppy takes up 99% of my free time these days). Anyways, a much needed vacation is in order and I hope to get lots of pictures to be posting throughout the weekend (I am most excited to visit Julie Hasson– the author of ‘Vegan Diner’s food truck Native Bowl and to visit the diner from Twin Peaks for some pie///coffee!!) So, if any of you have suggestion for places to stop in Seattle/Portland let me know ASAP!
Anyways, back to food. And more importantly, this recipe. Making homemade pierogies is a tradition my Ma and I have had for years and one of the best parts making them is being able to freeze half the batch to enjoy months later. We whipped up a batch back in December (Look: Here) and I found some hiding in the back of my freezer the other day. There is something about these cheesy dumplings that mixes perfectly with any veggies. I chose roasted tomatoes here because they become so soft that they almost turn into a sauce and burst with flavors all over your pasta. So delicious and very easy to prepare!
For the Roasted Tomatoes
- 1 pint of cherry tomatoes
- whole garlic cloves (as many or as little as you’d prefer), peeled
- Dash of balsamic
- 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
- 2 teaspoons dried sage
- 1 Tablespoon of olive oil
- Salt/Pepper
For everything else:
- 15 pierogies (or ravioli)
- 1 small container of artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
- 2 Tablespoons butter
- Salt/Pepper
- Parmesan
Start by roasting the tomatoes. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the cherry tomatoes and garlic in a small bowl. Mix them with the brown sugar, balsamic, sage, olive oil,and salt/pepper. Then place on the baking sheet and roast at 375 for 20 to 30 minutes. Check periodically and stir around.
While that is cooking, bring a small pot of water to a boil and cook the ravoli/pierogies according the the package directions. Drain the dumplings.
The last part is to saute everything together so this time could vary depending on how well cooked you like them. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Next, add the pierogies, roasted tomatoes/garlic mixturee, and artichoke hearts. Saute for 5 to 10 minutes or until the pierogies have browned on both sides. Season with Salt and Pepper and sprinkle with parmesan.
Munch down and share with your puppy/kitty/boy.
And since it’s a delicious dinner, you’ll probably eat a little too much of it and feel really full after…so dance off that slumber with some tunes like this one: